If you hadn’t noticed from the overzealous chick in HR with the blinking orange earrings or the gay cowboy in the finance department, today is Halloween. To me, seeing adults dress up at work is one of the best and most uncomfortable moments of the year. It is the definition of RTs. This isn’t a parent walking a child around the block trick-or-treating or a grandparent wearing a mask while they hand out candy…these are grown-ups surrounded by other grown-ups thinking it’s socially acceptable to wear cat ears, a skeleton pendant and a knitted sweater which depicts a bear in costume, trick or treating with other bears in costumes. (Apologies to my mother who undoubtedly is wearing this exact outfit today at work.)
Today I have witnessed a woman dressed as a pirate, a man dressed as Sasquatch and a slutty nurse. (Please note we don’t yet have confirmation if the slutty nurse was in costume or if she was simply in transit to her actual profession…stripping or an actual real life slutty nurse. That said, perhaps there is a real life pirate walking the streets of San Francisco and it’s just a coincidence that today happens to be October 31st. We’ll have to investigate further.)
We want to hear from you. What costumes are your coworkers wearing? What are the most uncomfortable office moments today at your job? Is there a mandatory apple bobbing contest? Is there a scary food competition? This is too ripe of a situation to just let pass by.
That's all true, but you missed one very important point / benefit of having coworkers dress up: the opportunity to stare inappropriately at the hot chick in your office and have it be totally appropriate.
P.S. God Bless the slutty nurse.
my company made us all buy candy to keep at our desk. then we took turns trick or treating around to each others desks. it was really dumb.
Unfortunately for me, the hottest chicks in our office are professionally dressed. However, our recpetionist who is the same size as yours truly(6'4" - 220lbs) is dressed as a bar wench, with bustier and all. I'm guessing her ginormous Bombs come in over HHH.
I will be escorting my daughter tonight as a giant clown...should be fun
This morning I got off the train in downtown SF at 7:30am accompanied by a giant bumblebee. No, this was not the sweet, lovable and dorky girl from the Blind Melon video, "No Rain" (which Little Miss Sunshine blatantly stole from); It was a grown man, probably late 30's, who was balding, carrying a briefcase and smelling of mango-scented candles. I'm not sure if he saw me roll my eyes, but he definitely didn't miss me planting my size 12 Adidas in his honeycombs.
Well yesterday I experienced an extreme case of the RTs while attending our office Halloween Party with all of the co-workers' childern...which was cute...until one office member decided to dress as a Flying Monkey from the Wizard of Oz (which is another character to add to the list) and decided it would be a good idea to go shirtless with just a red vest and monkey mask...and play the accordian to all the small children...needless to say all of the children cried out loud and all the adults cried/lauged on the inside!
We have this crazy social worker who likes to come to work wearing capes anyway (she's "Super Social Worker"...said in a Japanese accent)but for the past 2 weeks she's come to court every Wednesday wearing some kind of Halloween costume. Court. As in judge, jury, etc. Court. Today she had a big wizard's hat on. In court.
I spent today wondering whether people were wearing costumes or if they were just in their normal garb and just totally weird. Perhaps its just Berkeley, I thought. Who knows? Really?
My halloween celebration is all about the morning after. Latte (non-fat), scone and shacker watch. There is nothing more amazing than a slutty cowgirl dragging a pony on a stick down the street.
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