Friday, February 20, 2009

Talk to me

Do you avoid visiting our site while at work because sometimes the picture we post is of slutty hot chicks? Or do you not care and you look forward to seeing what amateur porn/celeb chicks we’ve found for your viewing pleasure? A reader of our blog told me he’d read us much more often if he had peace of mind that when he came to our site it wouldn’t feature pictures like this. (Great picture by the way.)

Talk to me. Either in the comments or email at

Sluts or no sluts?



Walk On Boy said...

Rather indifferent on the whole slut/no slut thing. Although my co-workers may have a preference on account of my propensity to furiously hump my fist anytime morally flexible women appear at the top of your posts.

Please no more suck dog pictures though. My sister recently got a shih-tzu and I have reached my quota on googly-eyed bastard mini-dog viewing.

That is all.

Anonymous said...

Also indifferent. If I worked someplace with more rigorous employee internet-habit monitoring, I might care, but here at the sneaker factory, they only care if you print pictures of porn and send them to the clients via fedex. (Actually happened once. Wasn't me.)

Anonymous said...

Thanks to your reader for pointing that out. I love your scandalous pics but I’m always nervous going to your blog at work. How about having the link with a little explanation on the pic?

Magglio said...

Walk On Boy - watch your mouth when you talk about Patch. There are rules.

Anonymous said...

I love the link idea... That way, freedom of choice. Also, thanks for linking to my all-time favorite ridiculous slutty picture as an example.

Anonymous said...

SLUTS 4 eva. Don't be weird about it. Quit your job.

Walk On Boy said...

Whatever Mags. This is the Nam of the blogworld. I will, however, choose to respect the power of Patch. As much as I dislike and distrust small dogs. Very similar to my take on pancakes...

Anonymous said...

Are you kidding me?